Consulting on
The aim of this consulting is to implement a benchmark management system that guarantees good practice in a specific area: quality, environment, occupational risks, etc. These processes often culminate in certification, accreditation or another other type of recognition.
Our experts can handle compliance with different standards. Here are some well-known common examples:
Quality management
- STANDARD UNE-EN ISO 9001. Quality management systems
- Sector accreditations and certifications
Environmental management
- STANDARD UNE-EN ISO 14001. Environmental management systems
- EMAS Regulation
- Carbon footprint calculation
- Environmental memory
Occupational health and safety management
- ISO 45001 standard. Occupational health and safety management systems
Corporate social responsibility
- Sustainability reports
- Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- B-Corp
- ISO 26000 standard. Social Responsibility
- SGE 21 standard. Evaluation of ethical and socially responsible management in organisations