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Consulting on
management systems

The aim of this consulting is to implement a benchmark management system that guarantees good practice in a specific area: quality, environment, occupational risks, etc. These processes often culminate in certification, accreditation or another other type of recognition.

Our experts can handle compliance with different standards. Here are some well-known common examples:

Quality management

  • STANDARD UNE-EN ISO 9001. Quality management systems
  • Sector accreditations and certifications

Environmental management

  • STANDARD UNE-EN ISO 14001. Environmental management systems
  • EMAS Regulation
  • Carbon footprint calculation
  • Environmental memory

Occupational health and safety management

  • ISO 45001 standard. Occupational health and safety management systems

Corporate social responsibility

  • Sustainability reports
  • Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • B-Corp
  • ISO 26000 standard. Social Responsibility
  • SGE 21 standard. Evaluation of ethical and socially responsible management in organisations

Success stories of consulting on management systems

Hospital de Campdevanol

Campdevànol Hospital Foundation obtains healthcare accreditation for its Primary Care teams

personas atadas entre sí en el aire haciendo una forma

The Catalònia Group obtains ISO 9001:2008 certification for all its sites

entrada Clínica Corachan

Clínica Corachan implements and revalidates the healthcare accreditation model

Hospital Benito Menni

Benito Menni, the first mental health institution to be certified in accordance with UNE 179003


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